Let Me Introduce Myself

Hello and welcome to my blog! I thought I would introduce you to this blog; let me first tell you a bit about myself.  First off, I am definitely a multitasking mom! I am a mom, wife, insurance adjuster, professional dancer, USA Cheerleader, dance teacher, grad student, founder of a nonprofit, One Hope Wine Cause Entrepreneur, pageant queen, and blogger.  With all that on my plate, I have learned a lot about prioritizing, time management, organization, and tips to make the most of your time.  I am learning new tricks and ideas all the time!

Family-wise, I am the mother of a rambunctious 2.5 year old and wife to a talented indie actor.  My day job is as in insurance adjuster, but I am currently in grad school earning a Masters in Mathematics (yes, my undergrad degree was in mathematics as well) in the the hopes of transitioning to a career as a community college math professor.  I have danced all my life and I continue to do so as an adult.  I perform with a jazz dance company, Aries in Flight as well as with the USA Cheerleaders.  I also spend a few hours a week teaching dance at a local dance studio.  The nonprofit I founded is also dance related.  It's called I Hope You Dance, Inc. and its purpose is to ensure all children have the chance to dance.  Through the sale of dance calendars, we raise funds which are used to offer need-based dance scholarships as well as support organizations that offer free dance classes.  With One Hope Wines, I also work to support a variety of causes.  This company sells wine through wine tasting events and online parties. 50% of the proceeds for every sale goes to support different charitable organizations.  There are also ways to support your own local organization or school.  Lastly, in the past year I have participated in 2 pageants both of which were big advocates for community service.

In regards to this blog, I intend to share my knowledge and advice as well as share fun anecdotes and mom humor.  If I find a product or an app that helps cut down on mom stress, I'll share that too!  I'll have time management tips.  I'll talk about the top apps I use to keep my life organized.  I'll share top products that help me organize and save time with my busy schedule.  Anything else that I think might be helpful to busy moms, like just humor.

I hope that you will enjoy this blog and if you have any topic ideas or anything you struggle with as a busy mom, please mention that in the comments.  If I have a useful tip or trick, I'd love to share it with you!!

