Motivation Talks for Moms

The lack of sleep in this house is real! Plus, we are counting down the days to when we no longer have to commute twice a day for 45+ minutes each direction to bring Tyler to and from school. 

Baby Belle will be 1 month old tomorrow so we've been doing this juggle for almost a month now and are eagerly awaiting summer break.

At times like this, it's important to have easy access to motivational quotes and stories to help remind us of the importance of the role we play in our families and give meaning to our everyday struggles.

Videos and podcasts that moms can listen to on the go when they need motivation and inspiration. 

In the past, I put together a post with motivational quotes for moms. This post contains some of my favorite quotes about moms and motherhood from some very smart people.

But, sometimes a quote is not enough to get you out of a funk. A little more is required. Or you just don't have the time to sit and read through a list of quotes to refill your cup. 

So I wanted to put together a collection of videos and podcasts that you can listen to with short stories and empowering talks for moms. If you have the time, you can just sit and watch or listen to them. But, if not, you can listen while you perform other tasks like washing dishes, taking a shower, or driving your car. (The car is where I listen to things the most especially with that drive to Tyler's school)


This video from Southern Mom is real about moms questioning how good we are.  Kristen created this collaboration video to let all moms know that we all make mistakes and to remind ourselves that we are good enough. 

This video from Champions of Choice is a clip from a talk by Marc Mero where he talks about his mom. He describes how the greatest gift his mom gave him is that she believed in him. This reminds us that even when we fail, or make mistakes, or can't do it all, as long as we believe in our kids, it will make all the difference.

This clip is really for those moments when you feel insignificant and that all the work you do goes unnoticed. It's a reminder that the goal is not that your kids and spouse notice everything you do but that the fact that they don't notice is good too. 

This last one is from Red Talk where Jada Pinkett-Smith talks about motherhood. She reminds everyone that being happy is our own responsibility, not that of our spouse and kids. She motivates us to take time for self care so we can be the best wives and moms. 


Next up a have a few podcasts that a great for mom inspiration. I recommend that you click the links and subscribe to the podcasts. That way, you have easy access to motherhood inspiration right when you need it. 

You can just open up your podcast app and listen to an episode whenever you need it. Or just listen to them regularly so you can constantly be refilling your cup with motivation. 

The Empowered Mama

Inspired to Action - This podcast is currently on hiatus, but you can and should check out their past episodes!

Moms Struggling Well

The Mom Hour

I hope you enjoy these resources and save them for future reference.  DO you have a motivational speech or clip that you love to listen to when you need some lifting up? Please share in the comments!

