Read With Me: 4 Books to Read in the Next Month

So, as you know, I am currently 1 week into my month off from grad school.  Even when I do go back in mid January, I will only be taking 1 class in the coming semester.  The past 4 semesters I have been taking 2 classes.  Therefore, hopefully the work load will be less.  In the meantime, I have decided to take advantage of this reprieve by reading a few books.  These are books that have long been on my must read list, but I just haven't had the time.  I have heard wonderful things about them and I can't wait to dig in! Join me on this reading Journey and let's compare notes!

Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind, and Soul

I have long been a fan of Ruth Soukup. I have enjoyed several of her online classes and I recently purchased her planner. Her systematic way of presenting information along with practical action steps totally fits my learning style.  She really lays out what to do and in what order to accomplish your goals.  I am really excited to dig in to this book. In particular, this book discussed how our lives are overwhelmed with stuff, be it physical, or things we have to do.  This book is intended to help us remove the unnecessary so that we have more time and space for what truly matters.


This book has been on my must read list for a while.  This book is about Sophia Amoruso's journey from broke and directionless to CEO of a $100-million-plus company. If a story like that doesn't motivate you, I don't know what will! This book shows you that you don't have to have it all together from the get go and being different is OK. You can still be amazingly successful and have the life you want.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

This is the latest book from Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love.  This is a book about living the creative life, finding fulfillment, and daring to go after what you want.  I absolutely loved Eat Pray Love and I expect no less from this offering. Gilbert encourages us to take chances and live with passion, to be mindful and find inspiration. Especially during the dullness that is winter, I hope for this book to be a pick me up to help power through to spring.

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

Have you ever noticed that like every entrepreneur that ever gets interviewed mentions this as part of their impetus for starting their business?  Yeah me too.  This book by Tim Ferriss has been referenced by every successful entrepreneur ever.  If you'd like to join their ranks, then you should probably read this book.  I know I will be. If that is not reason enough, Tim goes through how he escaped the rat race of the 9-5 and is able to enjoy more money and freedom while working less.

Bonus: Wife for Life: The Power to Succeed in Marriage

I actually just finished reading this one and it was amazing! I talked about Ramona Zabriskie previously on the blog in my review of the Mom Conference. She had delivered a talk about the power women have to create the marriage they want.  I was so moved by her talk that I immediately purchased her book.  This book really breaks down the difference between men and women, how these differences affect how we behave, and what we can do to better support our husbands and our relationships in order to create a grand marriage.  This book will have you nodding your head as you read about the crazy ladies and will definitely give you food for thought. I couldn't recommend it more. Even if you have a good marriage, this book will empower you to make it even better.

I hope that you will take up the challenge to read these books along with me. Have you been dying to read any of these books? Did you read any and think its a must read for me? Let me know in the comments.

Merry Christmas!!

