cleaning with kids

5 Top Tips for Decluttering With Kids

5 Top Tips for Decluttering With Kids

Decluttering is hard. Decluttering with kids is even harder.  When we start to sort through our kids belongings, we get nostalgic, they discover how much they really love that thing they never played with for the last year, and letting go becomes hard.  The following 5 tips will help you to declutter your kids' rooms with less stress and more fun!  

Quick Tips To Make Cleaning Go Faster

Quick Tips To Make Cleaning Go Faster

I hate cleaning. Plus sometimes it just feels like a wasted effort when the mess is back an hour later.  And then if that weren't enough to dissuade you, the time it takes can be incredible.  Hours to clean what takes my kids 30 seconds to dirty.  On the other hand, the peace of mind that comes with a clean and organized home is amazing. You can physically feel the difference when you enter a clean room. It also does wonders for your mindset! So, in order to help you get in and out of cleaning mode more quickly, here are some tips to make cleaning go faster.