Your Favorite Posts of 2016

As this is my last post of the year, I thought it would be appropriate to do a round up of my most popular posts of the year. Like most of us, I am definitely reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the future. This year I want to improve my site by providing the best posts and products for you, my readers. So today we look at the best of the best of 2016 and Tuesday we kick off 2017 with a bang.

1. Never Miss A Bill

This post breaks down how I created a spreadsheet to track when bills are due and their amounts. Once a week I consult the spreadsheet pay the bills for the coming week and mark them as paid. I set a calendar reminder on my phone to make sure I don't miss a week. This ensures all bills are paid prior to their due date. You can download my spreadsheet template to map out your own bills!

2. Hospital Bag and Sibling Bag Checklist 

This post is perfect for anyone who is getting ready to have a baby. The majority applies to anyone having a baby, but the last bit is especially catered to those who already have kids. The list includes everything you need to pack and some things you might like to have for you, your hubs, and your baby when you are in the hospital.  There is also a section about what to pack for your existing child for when you are in the hospital.  This was our son's first overnight away from mom and dad, so there was a lot to consider.  There are plenty of hospital checklists out there, but not very many that consider that the older sibling also needs to have a go bag. This list covers everyone in the household.

3. Transitioning from 1 to 2 kids

This post came at a time when I was preparing for the birth of Hailey, baby number 2. Selfishly, I wanted to learn about the experience of other parents transitioning from 1 to 2 kids. I figured I wouldn't be the only one who would appreciate a heads up about what to expect when we brought the new baby home. This post consists of interviews with 3 moms who talk about their experience in transitioning from 1 to 2 kids and what life is like as a family of 4.

4. Things To Do Before 32

This post was written at the time of my 31st birthday. In it, I wrote out a list of things I wanted to accomplish prior to turning 32. I thought it would be a fun way to motivate myself through the year. It is a mix of life goals, personal goals, and family goals. An update will be coming in a week or two as I reach 3 quarters of the way to my 32nd Birthday. A lot has been accomplished, but there is still much to do!

5. Things to Do While Breastfeeding

This last post is a list of ideas of things you can do while breastfeeding your baby. Especially in the beginning, breastfeeding can take up all your time. When your baby feeds every 2-3 hours and a feeding takes 30 minutes, it can feel like all you do. This post provides you with a list of activities that you can easily do whilst breastfeeding in order to get some control back in your life.

I really hope you go back and read these posts and share them with someone you think they could help. I am super excited for what 2017 has to offer and I hope you are too!

Happy New Year!

