About Me — The Multitasking Mom

My Story

I have always been a goal setter. I love trying new things. I always need to have something that I’m working on, a hobby or project. I’ve been that way all my life.

Growing up, I was constantly setting goals, making plans, and achieving them. It was easy, or at least easier back then. I mean I had so many less responsibilities and so much more time.

Back then I was a competitive dancer, was in numerous clubs and organizations, a cheerleader, an honors student, a Girl Scout, and earned full scholarships to both high school and college.

But once I started having kids, I got concerned that going after my goals and passions would become a thing of the past. That I would have to choose between being a good mom and being fulfilled.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, being a mom is definitely a fulfilling job. I absolutely love being a mom. But for me to be happy, I need fulfillment in other areas too.

So I made a decision. I decided to not let motherhood stand in the way of going after my goals. I also decided to be the best mom I can be. I rarely miss bedtime. I still spend every morning and evening with the kiddos aside from a date night or event here and there. I still spend the weekends with the family going to outings and church and fun events.

But I also make time to do some pretty cool/challenging things. Since becoming a mom I have:

  • Competed in several beauty pageants

  • Danced for numerous sports teams and music artists

  • Was in a music video for one of the lead guitarists for Guns N Roses

  • Created this blog

  • Taught dance and choreographed local musicals

  • Earned my Master’s Degree in Mathematics

  • Became a certified life coach

All while working a full time job and continuing to make babies.

My Life Now

Over the years I learned to prioritize, schedule, make lists, motivate myself, organize, and manage my time.  I know how to go from goal to plan to success, even with a million other things on my plate. I am still constantly asked how I am able to accomplish so much, which is why I created this blog. To share what I’ve learned through trial and error.  

With a husband, little boy and 2 girls, I still haven’t stopped. Now, I am a mom, wife, insurance adjuster, professional dancer, USA Cheerleader, pageant queen, and blogger.  With all of my experience, I am still learning new tricks and ideas all the time!

I also make it a priority to spend quality time with my family and even spend a little time on myself.  I like to share my advice, tips and tricks along with a healthy dose of humor!

With that said, my most important role is wife and mom.  I have a wonderful, supportive husband who never discourages me from taking on the world and fully supports all of my endeavors.  I also have a handsome, smart, and silly 6 year old, Tyler. He lights up my world and puts everything in perspective. I have a 3 year old, Hailey, a silly little sweetheart who may be small, but is loaded with personality. And finally a one year old, Belle, who is super smiley (although not in the picture below, lol) and loves her big brother and sister.

Where to Start

Are you looking to first manage your time better so you can actually have the space to go after your goals? Start here: How to Get Your Schedule On Track When You’ve Been a Mess for So Long

If you are ready to start setting goals, head over the this post!

If you know what you want to do but just don’t know how to get from goal to success while navigating motherhood, check out this post on successfully achieving your goals.

Otherwise just search the menu to find exactly how I can help you!


