Here is a list and links to the essential kitchen tools that you need to have a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner. Everything is on Amazon prime, so you can totally get it in time for the big day!
Thanksgiving and fitness don't have to be mutually exclusive. You can enjoy your meal and keep fitness in mind.
When hosting Thanksgiving, last-minute tasks have a way of sneaking up on you and really taking up your time. This is why it's so important to get as much as you can done in advance.
This week T has been a little under the weather, so we took it as an opportunity to do more sedentary, quiet activities. This week we made two projects: a pilgrim hat and a gratitude banner. These are two easy and fun projects. T is starting to use scissors in school so he was able to help with some of the cutting for these projects.
Thanksgiving is the time of year that brings gratefulness to the forefront of our minds. However, it is important to teach our children to be grateful year round. Thanksgiving is a great time to introduce grace, charity, and gratefulness concepts that can be encouraged throughout the year.