Getting Through One of Those Weeks

Getting Through One of Those Weeks

This week is one of those weeks.  I have 2 graduate level math exams this week.  My son who was doing so well with potty training had a rough week last week.  He was having pain when he peed and then began holding it in which made for numerous accidents.  Finally, we got the test results from the doctor on Sunday that he has a UTI.  Then there's work and family.  My brother is in the hospital again for another amputation.  This time a toe.  Oh and my due date is this Friday.

I don't bring up my big brother a lot on here, but he is a 32 year old diabetic.  He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes the week I was born and has blamed me for it ever since... For most of his life, he didn't seem to have any major complications, but the last few years tell a different story.  I wouldn't say all of his ailments are caused by the diabetes, but it's definitely a heavy load for someone who won't be 33 til July.  Here's a brief listing of his current conditions: Bell's Palsy, Crohn's disease, fallen arches, kidney failure, legally blind, has had 3 fingers of one hand amputated and part of one finger on the other hand.  He is currently on the transplant list for both a kidney and pancreas.  He recently had a staph infection.  In fact, although he was released from the hospital just in time to attend my baby shower, he was under contact quarantine, meaning no one could touch him.  This was hard to explain to a 3 year old who hadn't been able to visit his uncle for almost a month.

So on getting through a week like this, here are my 2 tips: find the silver lining and let things slide.

Silver Linings

So my brother is in the hospital and my son had to see the doctor to diagnose his UTI.  While unpleasant for both parties, it actually gave them something to bond over.  My son and brother talked about seeing the doctor and about their medicines and how they can't wait to feel better.  Granted T does not understand the vast difference between why my brother sees the doctor and why he does, but he found a camaraderie with their situations.  Seeing him bond with my brother is a silver lining to me.

As far as my grad school tests, the silver lining is if Hailey waits until after the tests to be born, I won't have to be worrying about school when she arrives.  I can concentrate on our new addition and our changing family dynamic.  After this Thursday I will have only one final left next week  and the semester will be over.

Letting Things Slide

Here's the other big tip for getting through a week like this: you have to let some things slide.  I have been spending all of my free time studying (Well almost, I did write this post). On top of getting up at night myself to pee, I have been woken up several time with pee pee emergencies from my son.  So, you know what is sliding, working out.  I mean at 39 weeks pregnant many people would say that that's totally acceptable.  On the other hand, I know for myself that if all this wasn't going on, I'd still be working out all this week.  However, getting a little more sleep and getting my studying done so I do well this semester is worth sacrificing one week of working out.  On the bright side, dance parties with T definitely takes his mind off his pee pee problems so I do get some cardio there! Silver linings to the rescue!!

Another thing that is sliding: laundry.  With all the peeing the bed and the clothes there has been a lot of extra laundry this week.  No extra loads were washed however.  We'll make it up sometime...

For now, I have to get back to studying.  Hopefully, Hailey comes right as scheduled and this crazy week will end with a big bundle of joy just in time for Mother's Day.  If you don't hear from me Friday, you'll know she is making her entrance!



Part 3: Tips for Working Moms 

Here we are at the final part of the series on tips for working moms. We have talked already about mindset, prioritizing, and removing distractions in part 1 which you can find here. In part 2, we discussed practical tasks that can make family time run more smoothly. You can find that article here. In this final post, we will discuss essential things that should be included in your schedule to make you a happy healthy mom. We will also talk about why they are so important. Sometimes as working moms we feel like we need to spend 100% of our time outside of work with our kids. We can feel like time out for ourselves or with our significant other will only decrease our quality time with our kids even more. The thing is, if we don't nurture our relationship with our spouses and ourselves, we may have increased time with our kids but far less quality.

If you spend more time with your kids but don't take anytime for yourself, your kids get a crankier, more exhausted you. It's better to take some time out so you can be your best self. The following tips are things that need to be included in your monthly calendar to be your happiest self.

1. Spend Time with Your Partner

This is important for so many reasons. Firstly, it's important to let your partner know that they are still an essential part of your life even though you have kids.  They need to feel important and wanted as well.  Spending quality time with your partner can help you relax.  Take a break from talking about kids and stresses and bills and just enjoy each other's company.  This helps you promote a healthy relationship between the two of you.  This is important not only for yourselves, but it is also important to model healthy relationships for your children.

Secondly, alone time with your partner helps you get on the same page as far as the kids.  Know what their current favorite thing is, or what they are having trouble with in school.  You want to discuss how you are handling different situations with your kids so can have consistent behavior.

Lastly, you need to have intimate time with your partner.  This is essential to a healthy, happy relationship.  Sometimes you might feel exhausted from your day and just not be in the mood.  Do it anyway.  You will get in the mood.  A lot of the time, it's one of those things where you can fake it til you make it.  It brings you closer to your partner and can reduce stress, the very thing that was preventing you from getting in the mood in the first place.

Try to plan at least a couple date nights during the month, have a few evenings to chat about family stuff, and be intimate as much as possible.

2. Fit in Some "Me Time"

The unhappiest, most depressed moms are the ones who feel like they are constantly giving.  They give to their job, their children, their spouses, their family, their community.  They lose themselves by taking on the happiness and well being of everyone else.  They put themselves last.

This is an absolutely terrible idea.  In order to be the best mom you can be, you should be happy and fulfilled.  People can tell when you are faking it, especially kids.  By fitting in a little me time, you can renew your whole energy. It doesn't have to be a weekend away at the spa to be effective.  It just has to be something that makes you feel happy and fulfilled.

I love dance; it is my passion.  When I am not pregnant I rehearse and perform with a dance company.  This is my time to do something just for me.  We rehearse one day a week, a few weeks a month and perform a few times a year.  This is something I need in my life to be my happiest self. Sometimes I feel bad leaving Tyler behind with grandma when I leave to rehearse, but I always feel reinvigorated after rehearsal.  I'm excited to see him and he's excited to see me.

You might take some time out during the week for a group fitness class and enjoy the community of other women.  Maybe its a mani/pedi at the nail salon. Maybe a monthly brunch with your girlfriends.  Whatever it is that makes you happy and feel like yourself, make time for it.  It can only make you a better mom.  Your kids will thank you for it later!!

3. Plan Specific Family Time Activities

I know you love your kids.  I love mine too.  But sometimes after a long day, I cannot keep up with the sporadic switching from activity to activity and game to game.  I want to spend time with Tyler, but I'm tired.  Especially now at 38 weeks pregnant, going from puzzles to Legos to Mashems to puppets to everything else all in one evening just makes my head hurt thinking about it.

One or 2 nights a week plan specific family time activities.  Tell your kids ahead of time, so its something to look forward to.  for example you can have an Star Wars movie night.  Make popcorn and get them in their favorite Darth Vader jammies. Enjoy the movie together as a family. You get to spend time together and it feels like its an event for the kids.

You can plan a family game night.  Play Candy land and have the different candies from the game.  If you land on that area of the board you get the candy.  You can make or buy gingerbread men and decorate them together.  You might play Candy Land all the time, but this makes it a special event.

Little things you can do to make an ordinary event a little more special will be greatly appreciated by your kids.

I really hope you enjoyed this series of tips for working moms.  I know I enjoyed putting the articles together.  We can't be perfect all the time.  Some months things come up and we might miss a date night, or my me time might get short changed. We might let mom guilt slip in once in a while or we might accidentally double book a date.  But if we make an effort to work on these 9 tips, we will be happier, healthier, better, more loving moms.

In light of the upcoming birth of baby Hailey, on Friday, we will be talking about the transition from one to two kids.  Since I do not yet have experience with this, I have compiled interviews from a few bloggers and we will be hearing their advice on how to get through this change.  I will see you then.



Part 2: Tips for Working Moms

It's time for part 2 of our 3 part series of tips for working moms. If you missed part one, you can find it here.  Last time we discussed tips relating to mindset. We lost the guilt, found jobs that fit our priorities, and minimized distractions. Our next three tips involve things you can do to maximize your enjoyment of your time with your family. These are not new ideas, but you may not have previously considered how these habits will help improve family time.

1. Prep for your family's day the night before

This can be a hard habit to get into. At the end of a long day of work and family time, you just want to relax. However, a little prep in the evening can make for a far more enjoyable morning.

If you are not a morning person, getting yourself ready in the morning can be a struggle. Add kids and it only gets more hectic and chaotic. You are on a time table and a lot of things need to happen before you head out the door. Many of these things can be done or at least prepped the night before.

For school aged kids, have them pack their backpack the night before immediately upon finishing their homework. There is no reason it needs to stay out and this means they can just grab and go in the morning. Have them also set out their clothes for the next day. This makes for less of a struggle the next morning when they have to get dressed. If you pack lunch for them, try to pack it the night before so again, it is something you can grab and go.

For kids in daycare, you can make sure their bag is packed and their clothes are laid out the night before. Also have your own bag packed and clothes laid out the night before. This makes mornings run far more smoothly. You can't completely avoid hiccups, but you can minimize them.

How does this maximize family time? It makes you less stressed in the morning. Your kids get to see you happier and relaxed when you start your day together. When you are away from the house for most of the day, you don't want the time you do spend  together to be rushed and stressed. This includes the morning. With all this prep work done the night before, you may even have time to sit and have breakfast together. What a great way to motivate you through your day after having already had some quality family time in the morning!

2. Create a Family Calendar

I won't go over the practical steps to actually create such a calendar as I already have a whole post about it here. Instead, I will talk about why it's so important for working moms and dads.

Having everyone on the same page is essential for busy families. Calendars should be updated immediately upon notification of new events. This helps prevent conflicts and over scheduling. Prioritize family activities, make sure your kids know that their activities are important to you.

For our family, I work days and my husband works nights and weekends. Therefore, on any evening my husband happens to be off, we try to maximize our time together. Sometimes this has to be time to get things done around the house, but we try to make sure we have family time as well. For his weekend days off, we try to ensure we do some family activity like a trip to the park or the zoo.

Try not to double book, if possible. If your kids have an event make a point of not scheduling something for yourself. One of the most important parts of being a working mom is making sure your kids know that they come first. Emergencies happen, but if you generally make it to their events, it's easier to accept the one or two times when that's not possible.

3. Stay Connected During the Day

It's hard to focus when we are preoccupied with other things.  If we are at work and thinking about what we are missing at home, we will be less efficient and less happy.  Missing the kids can be a major distraction.

Some days I can easily get through my work day and then I'm ready for family time when I get home.  Other days I miss my peanut during the day and wish I could just be home seeing what he is up to. If I dwell on that all day, I'll never get my work done. I am a big proponent of recharging your battery. One way to do it is a quick chat with the kids.

On the days where I miss the little guy, a quick FaceTime call can really turn the day around. A few minutes chat with T and hearing about his day can really fill my cup. It also helps him feel like he has seen me more during the day. If your kids are in school, get a quick update on how the school day was in the afternoon. These few minutes of break time can allow you to focus better and actually get more done during your day.

I hope you find these tips helpful. These are concrete things you can do to help ensure that family time is enjoyable. They are little practical tips that can reduce your stress when you are around your family. In the last part of the series, we will discuss ways to maintain good relationships with your family and yourself. You can look forward to seeing that post on Tuesday.

In the meantime, enjoy your weekend!!



P.S. You can find Part 3 of this series here.

Part 1: Tips For Working Moms

Being a working mom is hard. Being a stay at home mom is hard too.  However, since I am not a stay at home mom, I don't really have as much insight into that lifestyle.  I do however, have experience as a working mom and I have learned a lot about how to stress less and enjoy both work and family.  The following will be a 3 part series of tips for working moms.  These tips are key for enjoying being a working mom and finding balance in your life.  Here are the first 3 tips to help ease the stress of being a working mom.  These 3 relate to your time at work.

1. Stop Feeling Guilty

It is so easy to feel guilty about being away from your home and your kids.  When your kids are young, you have guilt about missing out on their new discoveries and their activities each day.  As they get older you fell guilt about not being able to go on every class trip or having to send them to an after school program.  The thing is, this guilt does nothing for you, or your kids.  In order to combat this guilt, here is a quick project you can do that can help you again and again.  Take out your phone and in the notes section make a list of all the benefits to your family that you provide by being a working mom.  I'll start you out:

  1. You are helping provide for your family financially

  2. You are providing an example of a strong, hardworking woman

  3. You are able to have balance with adult time and kids time

  4. You are able to appreciate your time with your kids that much more

  5. Daughters of working moms are more likely to obtain more education and get higher paying jobs

  6. Sons of working moms are more likely to help around the house and be attentive to their children

  7. You are less likely to lose your identity due to your children

You can feel free to continue this list with the financial, practical and emotional benefits of being a working mom. Whenever you are feeling guilty about being at work and missing time with the kids, you can pull out your list and really read it.  Remind yourself of how important it is that you are a working mom and what benefits you are providing to your family.

2. Find a job/company that matches your priorities

When you first graduate and start looking for a job, you might jump at the first company willing to hire you.  You may accept longer hours or a longer commute or any other countless minor inconveniences that are simply not as important when you are young and single.  My first full time job was in NJ while I lived in the Bronx, NY.  The commute was ridiculous, but I liked the job, my co workers, and my pay.

However, as I approached getting married and starting a family I knew my priorities would be changing, so I started looking for a new job.  I found a position still in my field but much closer to home.  Instead of spending 2.5-3 hours of my day commuting, I now commute 20-30 minutes a day.  In fact, I work so close to home that I go home for lunch most days.  My current company also has more days off and summer Fridays.  They prioritize family and allow me to take time off to do things with the kids without feeling guilty about missing a day of work.

Every company and every field of work is different.  Not every job will have the benefits my job does and my job has its drawbacks as well.  There are a few occasions where I can be called out to work after hours or on weekends.  This is rare, but it does happen.  You should find a job that works best for you and your family.

3. Limit distractions at home and at work

When you are in the office, it is easy to get distracted from your work.  You want to catch up on the latest gossip or discuss the last episode of the Walking Dead.  Sometimes you might get distracted by social media.  It is important to limit these distractions as much as possible.  Now I'm not saying you need to be anti-social and never bond with your co-workers, but pick and choose when you will do it.

Say a quick good morning to everyone when you come in and then get down to business.  Chat with your co-workers at lunch or after you have completed a major task as a quick break.  Set a timer on your phone to vibrate after a few minutes to remind yourself to get back to work.  An important part of maintaining work life balance is ensuring that you can complete your work during the work day.  This allows you to maximize your time with your family at home.

My boss works on weekends and late nights a lot.  He's single and lives by himself.  While he does have a heavy workload, some of it he does to himself.  He will regularly sit and chat with people about the amount of work he has to do, or run to the store for coffee when we have a coffee maker here.  If getting your work done during the work day is a priority, then you need to limit your distractions so that you can do just that.

Limiting distractions is also important at home.  When spending time with your kids, you want to give them your undivided attention.  Checking a quick email or social media account is not the end of the world, but try to limit this as much as possible to when the kids are asleep.

I will acknowledge that this is not always possible.  For example, I generally try to do my grad school homework after bedtime, but when it's finals time, sometimes I need a little extra study time.  This might cut into family time a bit.  It happens.  Let's just try to ensure that it doesn't become a habit.

An important task for working moms is to make sure our kids know that they are our priority.  Work is for work and home is for family.  When we are at home, family is the priority and work is the distraction.  We should never allow our kids to feel like its the other way around.

I hope that you found these tips helpful.  The next set of tips will be coming on Friday and they will revolve around practical things you can do to  maximize your enjoyment of family time.  I will see you then!



P.S. You can find Part 2 of this Series here.

A Baby Shower For Hailey

On Sunday, my family threw us a baby shower for Hailey. Since Hailey is baby number 2, this was mostly a way to celebrate our new addition with family and friends. We have a lot of items that will be passed down from T, but we were also able to stock up on some much needed girl clothes!

In order to help T be a part of the celebration, we made two projects in preparation for the shower. The first was a candy-filled umbrella favor and the second were marshmallow pops. These were a lot of fun to make and definitely helped T start to take on his role as a big helper.

Candy-Filled Umbrellas

What you need:

Gel pen or marker

White cone cups


Candy sticks



Hot glue gun

How to make them:

1. First we decorated the cone shaped cups with Tyler's doodles and the words "Baby Hailey 4/10/16".

2. Next, we cut out strips of tulle to wrap our cones in. The width of our tulle was 6 inches so we needed two pieces for each come to make sure the jelly beans didn't fall out. We also cut strips of ribbon which we used to tie the tulle together.

3. I hot glued the candy sticks into the center of the cone to be the umbrella handle.

4. Tyler filled the umbrellas with jelly beans.

5. I wrapped each jelly bean filled cone with tulle. This was done by placing an x of tulle on the table, placing the point of the cone in the center, and then wrapping the cone with the tulle. I tied it off with a piece of pink ribbon.

I think they came out pretty cute. We obviously chose pink since we were having a girl shower, but you can pick any color you like depending on whether or not you know the gender.  Now, on to the marshmallow pops.  T really enjoyed making these.  Again, we used pink candy melts for our pops, but they would be just as cute with any other color.

Marshmallow Pops

What you need:


Candy melts

White sprinkles

Styrofoam cone or semi sphere

Paper Straws

How to make them:

1. First we laid out a bunch of marshmallows on a plate and Tyler inserted the paper straws.  He pretty much just jammed them in there.

2. I melted the candy melts in the microwave. First for one minute and then for 30 second intervals stirring in between until it was all melted.

3. Together we dipped the marshmallows in the melted candy and sprinkled them with sprinkles.  At first T was shoving the marshmallows into the sprinkles, but we found that sprinkling them on top was much more efficient and less messy.

4. We stuck the straws into Styrofoam so the candy could dry.

That's the finished product. They may not be perfect, but they were made with love. Plus we had a lot of fun making them.  Even dad helped out!

We had so much fun at the shower.  It was great hanging out with friends and family.  Tyler recited the end rant from Willy Wonka several times and we all enjoyed good food and good company. Here are some shots from the party.

3 weeks left til D-day!! We are so excited!!  Have a happy weekend everyone!



Things to do Before 32

Yesterday was my 31st birthday.  We spent it quietly at home since the day before was Hailey's baby shower.  I was inspired by this post over on my friend ShannEva's Blog to create a list of things to accomplish in the coming year.  I decided to name my list: Things to do Before 32, because it rhymes and its catchy.  The plan is to regularly update you guys on my progress through the list as the year goes by and hopefully you guys can help keep me accountable!

1.Make 5 recipes from Pinterest - How many times have you pinned a recipe that looks super healthy or delicious only to never look at it again? I want to make at least 5 of those recipes this year.

2. Go to the zoo at least 3 times - T loves the zoo and we have our annual membership so we want to make the most of it.  Plus, we will have to introduce Hailey to the zoo as well.

3. Go on a real vacation - Our family hasn't been on a vacation where you fly somewhere and stay for a week and then come back since our honeymoon.  It has all been road trips and often times for another purpose, like pageantry.  This year I want to take a vacation where we just relax and enjoy being away with each other.

4. Read 2 inspiring books - With work, grad school, and now 2 kids, reading time is at a premium.  I hope to make time to read 2 inspiring books this year.

5. Rent or sell my house - We have really outgrown our current home.  It is a small 2 bedroom and with Hailey coming, along with my husbands abundant collections of toys and movies, we have just run out of space.  It is time we move on.

6. Move to new home - Well, the clear consequence of selling our home means we have to move to a new one.  I hate moving but if it means more space for my family, then I am all for it.  This is a top priority for the coming year.

7. Get back in shape after baby - If you have been following along, then you know that I am a dancer.  It is important to me to get back to dancing and performing once Hailey is born.  That means getting back my dancer's body.  This is also something that I plan to document on the blog as I make progress towards my goal.

8. Perform in 2 dance productions - So in order to have motivation to get back to working out, I want to perform in at least 2 productions before I turn 32.  That means I have to be in dancer shape with enough time to perform twice.  I have every confidence that this can happen.

9. Finish writing my book - I have been making super slow progress in writing a book on the best apps for busy moms.  These apps cover all aspects of mom life from health, food, money, shopping, travel, and more.  I want to finally get this done, so it can actually start helping people and I can move on to a new project.

10. Start creating vertical images for blog - I know how important this is for Pinterest and I know the websites to use to make this happen.  What I haven't done is actually sat down to do it. It is high time this got done.

11. Do 3 DIY projects from Pinterest - Along the same lines as the Pinterest recipes, I want to actually make more of the awesome DIY projects that I pin.

12. Declutter - I think this is self explanatory.  We just really need to go through our stuff and get rid of what we don't want and don't need.  Our plan is to go room by room and just purge.

13. Plan a T and mommy date at least once a month after Hailey is born - Now that I am going to be a mommy of 2, I want to make a point of having alone time with T. Whether it's a simple pizza date or a trip to the park, I want to make sure that we still have some one on one time.

14. Complete 27 credits of grad school - I am well on my way to this goal.  By the end of this semester, I will have completed 15 credits.  I am signed up for 2 summer courses and 2 in the fall which would bring me to the 27 credits.  Then just a few more classes and requirements and I will be a Math Master!!

15. Have consistent date nights with the hubs - This is super hard for us because I work days and he works nights. On top of that he has plays to perform in and I have dance performances, or I will after Hailey is born.  But in order to keep our relationship on course this is super important, so we are making this a priority.

16. Complete cookbook for my nonprofit - As you may know, I founded a non-profit to support youth dance called, I Hope You Dance, Inc..  Last year we created a calendar as our major fundraiser which is still currently on sale.  This year with the new baby, I will not be able to run photo shoots over the summer. Thus, we are looking to do a dancer's cookbook as this year's fundraiser.  The plan is to compile the recipes from various dancers and then print and create the book.

17. Have a couples game night - This has been a goal of mine for forever, but it just never seems to come to fruition.  It WILL happen this year!

18. Plan and have a girls brunch - I have been feeling the need to reconnect with my girl friends for a while.   We see each other at events, but we haven't just hung out as a group in forever.   This needs to change! ASAP.

19. Participate in 2-3 charity walks - My brother is a diabetic and in recent years he has had serious complications as a result.  Currently, he is legally blind, has had several fingers amputated, and is in kidney failure along with numerous other ailments.  He will be turning 33 this year.  So I will definitely be participating in the diabetes walk again this year.  I also plan to do the March for Babies and possibly the Autism Speaks walk.

20. Run a donation drive - In the past I have organized a Coups for Troops drive where we collected coupons for military families and a pajama party where we collected pajamas and books for children.  I hope to run another drive along these lines this year.

So that's my list. Some of these are major, and some not so much.  Many are things that should be done all the time, but we never seem to make time for because we always think it so simple, we can do it any time.  Then any time never comes.  Other than performing a few times, these goals are mainly oriented around family and friends.  I have decided to make that my priority this year.

Do you set goals for the year at your birthday?  Have you been able to follow through?  Let me know in the comments.  Feel free to write some of your goals in the comments and we can keep each other accountable!



Pregnancy Update and What I'm Missing

For those of you following along, on Friday, April 1, 2016 I reached 35 weeks of pregnancy.  I am super excited to be heading towards the home stretch!  We have been continuing to take our weekly belly pictures and Tyler continues to make an appearance in them.  You can see all the pictures from each week on my Instagram page.

Here are the pictures from the last few weeks:

All in all, I have been feeling really good.  I continue to work out 5-6 days a week including light cardio and weights.  I try to eat healthy with a few splurges here and there.  Hailey has been pretty active in there but not nearly as violent as Tyler was.  With Tyler I felt a lot more sharp kicks and jabs.  With Hailey it feels more like shes just rolling around in there.  Although I feel 100 times bigger that I was with Tyler, size wise we are right on track.

As far as weight gain at our last appointment we had gained a little over 30 lbs over the course of the pregnancy.  I expect that we will be slightly over the desired 25-15 lbs weight gain that is recommended, but I'm pretty comfortable with that.  Once we have recovered from delivery, I will be tracking my weight loss progress here on the blog as I get back to my pre-pregnancy shape.  I plan to include everything from diet to exercise as I work off the baby weight.

If you are following on Facebook or Instagram, you know that this past weekend was our maternity photo shoot with my super talented sister in law, Katie.  Not only does she take fabulous photos, but she is great with kids, even when they are being recalcitrant...

Here are just a handful of the amazing pictures:

You would never know that Tyler was refusing to take pictures, hiding his face, and just wanted to run around.  Katie was so kind and patient and worked both with and around him to get some pretty amazing shots.  Definitely go check out more of her work at Katie Joy Photography.

On a separate note, the more I look at my maternity pictures, the more I think it looks like I just put a basketball under my dress...  I guess that's a good thing; only one area to work on post baby.  Everyone keeps telling me I don't look pregnant from behind.  I guess that's why.

What I'm Missing

For this second part of the post I decided to create a list of  the things I can't wait for when Hailey is born.  I finally feel comfortable allowing myself to dream about these things since delivery day is coming soon.  Meeting and loving on Hailey is a given, so I have not included that on my list.  Here is everything else that I can't wait to do/have.

  1. Wine: I'm not even a huge drinker, but every once in a while a nice glass of wine can really save the day.  It has been a long while since I got to enjoy that.

  2. Lying on my front: As a front sleeper, I really miss this one.  I hate the pressure that side sleeping puts on my hips.  I can't wait to be able to knock out lying on my belly.

  3. Sushi: I truly miss this part of my diet.  Sushi is my favorite way to consume fish.  It's also one of my favorite meals to order in.  I can't wait til that's back on the menu.

  4. A good deli sandwich: I grew up in the Bronx, NY.  I know what a good Italian deli sandwich tastes like.  I miss it more than I care to admit.

  5. Comfortably having Tyler sit on my lap: Tyler regularly wants to sit on my lap, but with this basketball sized belly it has become increasingly difficult.  It now involves a lot of sliding and squirming to reach a comfortable position.  I can't wait til that is no longer an issue.

  6. Comfortably sitting in general: We are getting to the point where sitting means discomfort no matter how you sit.  You have to stand up to feel like you have room to breathe.  I'm over that.

Other than that, I have really enjoyed my pregnancy.  I haven't really had any issues.  Little to no swelling, little to no heartburn, and minimal aches and pains.  Actually, the biggest pain is rolling from side to side in bed.  I get a pain in my pelvis that is pretty awakening, making it more difficult to get back to sleep.  Other than that, I have been very fortunate.  This coming Sunday is our baby shower/my birthday party.  I turn 31 on Monday the 11th.  I can't wait to celebrate with friends and family.

This Friday's post will include some really useful time management tips for Spring cleaning.

See you then



5 Tips to Enjoy Events with Kids

If you read my post earlier this week, you know we had a great experience at the Pez Factory Easter Egg Hunt this past weekend. In case you missed it, you can read that post here.  You can also read news coverage of the event here.  However, you would also be aware that there was utter chaos and unfortunate behavior at the event as well.  Mostly on the part of the parents. Thus, I've decided to compile a list of tips to ensure that you can enjoy your events with kids and make the most of your experience.  

1.Read the Instructions in Advance: Before you attend an event, you should know what you are getting into.  What is the setup?  Is there a cost?  What should you bring?  In the case of the egg hunt, the directions specifically stated that there were separate start times for each age group.  We also knew that the egg hunt was free but pictures with the Easter bunny required paying the admission fee to enter the visitor's center.

2. Pay Attention to the signs and Staff at the Event: As the parent, you should be paying attention to all the signs and staff members at the event.  This can be hard when you are also corralling your kids.  If possible have a second adult with you so that one can get all the information while the other keeps an eye on the kids.  At the egg hunt, there were signs specifying which area was for each age group.  Also, the staff members came around to everyone and explained that the turn out was far greater than expected and therefore, if anyone did not get an egg, staff would be giving out candy in front of the visitor's center.  Therefore, there was no reason for parents to take eggs from the other areas of the field. There was also no need to push and shove to get an egg.

3. Determine the Cost of the Event and Base Your Expectations on That:  Now I am not saying that free events are crappy and all good events are paid for.  What I am saying is if the event is free and you get anything to take home, you are already winning.  There is no need to be greedy or pushy.  As far as the Pez event, the egg hunt was free.  If you didn't get an egg from the hunt, you would still be walking away with free candy.  Especially in the 0-4 age group, I highly doubt that it was the kids pushing to have enough eggs to fill a big basket.  If you want your kid to have the experience of finding a ton of eggs and filling their basket, then you should host a hunt for them yourself.  This was a community event to get to be around other kids and get a few pieces of free candy.  If on the other hand you had paid for an Easter bunny buffet meal and there wasn't enough food, you might then have something to complain about.  Look at what you paid and look at what you are getting and determine if it is worth it.  If not, don't attend the event.

4. Assume that There Will be a Lot of People: Parents are always looking for fun activities for their kids.  Especially on weekends, especially around holidays.  They want their kids to get the full experience of the holiday.  You should go to these events knowing that will be the case.  Plan to have to wait on line.  Possibly bring snacks or activities to do while waiting.  If it's an outdoor event, dress for the occasion.  It is your job as a parent to help your kid enjoy the experience.  You shouldn't be complaining about the line or the cold.  You should be prepared.

5. Remember that it is for the Kids: Remember that the event is for the kids.  If they are perfectly content with their one green egg, you don't have to go around picking up more eggs yourself so that they can fill their basket.  If the event is not a competition, don't make it one.  My son had his eyes set on one green egg and when he got it he stopped looking.  I asked him if he would let me hold it so he could get more and he decided to let that happen.  However, if he had said no and just wanted that one egg, then that's what he would have gotten.  A kids event is no time for parents to act on their desires.  If you want to go on an egg hunt, ask someone to set it up for you.  Otherwise, the important thing is that your kid is happy and satisfied.

My comments on these 5 tips obviously revolve around our recent experience at the egg hunt.  However, they can also be applied to a kids event/party.  Know what you are getting into and know the rules.  If its not for you, then just don't go.  Always keep in mind that the end goal is that your kids have fun, and not at the expense of other kids.

Hope you enjoy your next event!!



Pez Factory Easter Egg Hunt

It seems that the Pez Factory Easter Egg Hunt this weekend made National News. We were there and we had a fabulous time.  We did not experience the melee although it was very crowded.  What apparently did ensue is a result of overzealous parents who do not follow directions and feel overly entitled.

Here is the setup.  In the field outside the factory, three section were cordoned off.  One with a sign for kids from 9-12, one for kids 5-8 and one for 4 and under.  The website had indicated that there would be a staggered start time for the 3 hunts.  The youngest group would start at 10:30 and then each age group was staggered by half an hour.  They had the Easter bunny at the Visitor's Center with whom you could take a photo and get a free candy dispenser.  You had to pay regular admission to enter the center which was only $5 for adults and $4 for kids 3 and up.

We arrived at the location at about 10:15 and found a spot along the edge of our assigned field, the 4 and under area.  Prior to the start, a Pez employee informed us that the turn out was far greater than expected and so if anyone didn't get an egg, they would have candy in front of the lobby that they could get.  At 10:30 the hunt started.  T had his eyes set on a green egg, his favorite color.  Once he got it he totally stopped searching for eggs.  Even with that he was able to get 4 eggs for himself.  We then took a few pics of T with his eggs and then headed to the Visitor's Center.  As we were well aware that the other fields were for older kids based on the signs and the website we didn't see any reason to stick around.  Apparently, this is when the melee ensued on the field.  We missed it, happily.

My son was perfectly content with his 4 eggs.  He picked them all himself.  We didn't experience any pushing or shoving by kids or parents.  We actually had a good time.  Upon heading to the Visitor's Center there was a healthy line.  This was a combination of people looking to get the candy if they didn't get eggs or if they didn't feel like they got enough and those wishing to enter the Visitor's Center.

We got on line which moved pretty well and entered the center.  It was definitely crowded, but not overwhelming.  We browsed all the old dispensers on display, we did the Pez Scavenger hunt and we got to take pictures with our head as a Pez dispenser.  Once we were satisfied, we headed to the second level and got on a shot line for a photo opp with the Easter bunny.

The line moved well, and yet no one was rushed to take a picture and move on.  T got to hug the bunny which was actually pretty cute and got a few photos as well as a free Easter bunny dispenser.  We then headed to the checkout line with a few dispensers from the gift shop.  This line was probably the longest and slowest, but not terrible.  The staff was kind and courteous and all in all we had a great time.  We didn't experience any of the unpleasantness.

While we have every intention of returning when there is less of a crowd, we had a great time and were very appreciative of Pez for putting on this event for the community.  I was not even aware of the melee that occurred until someone commented on pictures I posted from the event and mentioned it.  I feel bad for Pez for having to deal with some of the parents that apparently took matters into their own hands and did not follow directions.  I especially feel bad for any older kids who came at their assigned time only to find all the eggs had been taken.  It truly was a situation of a few bad eggs (pun intended) ruining it for the bunch.

Hope you had a fun Easter Weekend!!



Easter Egg Wreath Craft

In preparation for Easter, Tyler and I of course had to do an Easter craft. Since T liked painting so much for our St Patrick's Day craft, we decided to paint again for this craft. This time we made an Easter Egg Wreath for the occasion.


Paper Plate

Washable Paint

Cotton Swabs

White Paper

Paint Brush



Plastic Egg that Opens sideways 

How to Make

  1. First we took our white paper and painted multicolored polka dots using our cotton swabs.

2. Next we painted the border of our paper plate green with our paintbrush.

3. Now we had to wait until our paint dried. We decided to have a snack while we waited.

4. Once our paint was dried, we used our plastic egg to trace egg shapes on the back of our polka dotted paper.

5. Next we cut out our eggs as well as the center of our paper plate.

6. Then came T's favorite part: gluing our eggs onto the paper plate wreath.

7. Finally, you can use a hole punch and ribbon to tie a loop through the wreath to make it easy to hang.

T and I had a lot of fun creating this craft. For older kids, you can cut out the eggs first and have them decorate them like they would a real Easter egg. I like the randomness of the eggs we made however.

This project was extremely helpful in entertaining T on the days leading up to Easter. He is highly anticipating the painting of Easter eggs, but this project allowed him to have some Easter fun in the days leading up to painting eggs with his cousin.

This craft is perfect for toddlers. We hope you try it out!! Share your finished product on our Facebook page!



Hospital Bag and Sibling Bag Checklist

Hospital Bag and Sibling Bag Checklist

As of this Friday, I will be 34 weeks pregnant with baby Hailey.  This means it's time to start packing go bags for the hospital.  This time we have an extra person to pack for.  T will be spending time at grandma's while mom and dad are at the hospital.  This will be his first overnight away from home, so we want to make sure he is as comfortable as possible.  I have thus created a hospital bag and sibling bag checklist.  The first is a list of items for Mom, Dad, and Baby, and the second is a list for the older sibling(s).

Tips for Enjoying a Day at the Zoo

Yesterday, Our family enjoyed a trip to the Bronx Zoo.  My office happens to be closed for St Patrick's Day, so it was the perfect day to enjoy with family.  The weather was perfect, not too hot and not too cold.  Based on this and our many other trips to the zoo, I thought I'd compile a list of tips to get the most out of your day at the zoo.

  1. Get a Membership: If possible, having a membership to the zoo is a wonderful thing to do.  If you plan on going several times during the year, it is definitely worth the money.  It also takes a lot of pressure off any individual visit.  If you just spent a ton of money on admission, you want to see you money's worth of animals and activities.  If on the other hand, you know you can come back as many times as you want at no additional cost, you can relax and really enjoy your visit.  You also have the peace of mind knowing that if it rains or your child has an unprovoked meltdown, you can always come back.

  2. Pack a lunch and snacks: While zoo memberships generally provide a discount for food purchases, it can still be pretty expensive to eat there.  Packing a lunch greatly reduces the cost of your trip.  Additionally, you have your food with you wherever you are in the zoo.  This means you can provide instant gratification when your child(ren) gets hungry.  This can totally prevent a meltdown or a shortened trip.  It is also important to have snacks and water.  You will be doing a lot of walking around so having snacks and water available is important for both you and the kids.

  3. Let your kid(s) lead: You have had many years to explore the zoo and see the animals you want to see.  Now, it's your kids turn.  Other than preventing them from going into restricted areas, let your kids take the lead or tell you what animals they want to see.  This trip after all is for them.  They will be happier and will relish the opportunity to be in charge.  Their happiness is your happiness, isn't it?!

  4. Encourage interaction with the exhibits: At just a few weeks past his 3rd birthday, my son is definitely not reading the signs associated with each exhibit.  He is also not excited by sleeping animals.  Try to help your kid interact with the exhibits.  If the sea lion is "talking", see if your kid can make the same sound.  Can he squawk like the birds? Can she make the face the gorilla is making?  Can he stretch his neck like the giraffe? Can he spot the red bird?  How about the green one? Especially for little ones, the exhibits are only as fun and exciting as you make them.  So have fun.  Start hopping like a kangaroo and practicing your lions roar!

  5. Arrive early and/or go on an off day: By arriving early, you can avoid a lot of hassles that come with outings to popular locations.  You can hope to avoid at least some of the crowds.  Your kid will have the most energy at the beginning of the day.  You can avoid the constant questioning of, "When are we going to see the animals?" You can avoid lines at your favorite exhibit.  Another good idea is to go on a random weekday.   Our trip yesterday was perfect since schools were in session.  We didn't have to worry about a lot of other kids running around and it allowed us to give T more freedom walking around.  He also didn't have to fight for a spot to see the animals.

Here are some pictures from our visit.

I hope these tips are helpful for your next trip to the zoo.  They really make our zoo trips a ton more enjoyable.  Do you have any zoo advice?  Leave it in the comments!



St Patrick's Day Craft Project

This weekend T and I spent a lot of time together. He was sick Friday night so we spent the whole weekend home.  It was a great opportunity to sit down and create our St Patrick's Day craft project.  This was a quick and easy project that allowed T to paint, so he really enjoyed it.  We hope you do too.


Construction Paper



White Paper Plate

Orange Paint


  1. The first step is to paint the border of your plate orange.  This will serve as the hair and beard of your leprechaun.  T was pretty good about staying within the border.  If your kid is not so neat, no worries! You can always cut out a white piece of construction paper in a circle and paste it into the center of your plate for the face.

2. While your paint dries, you can let your toddler create a new painting.  At least, that's what T did.  In the mean time, I cut out a hat shape from green construction paper, a band for the hat out of black paper, and a buckle out of yellow paper. For the buckle, I cut out a square, bent it in half, and then cut out a smaller square from the center.

3. Once the paint has dried and the hat pieces are cut, it's time to start gluing.  Tyler loves to help squeeze out the glue and put the pieces in place!

4. The final step is to draw a face onto your leprechaun.  We used a black crayon for this.  If you want to add more to this project, you can also make arms and legs for your leprechaun. You can cut 4 strips of green construction paper long ways and fold them accordion style.  Glue them around the plate for the arms and legs.  You can cut out hands from white paper and shoes from black paper and attach them as well.

Here is our final project!

We hope you try this project yourselves.  It's fun and easy and doesn't require many supplies!

Share your finished project on our Facebook page!!



5 Steps to Start Your Day Right

We've all had days where we wish we never got out of bed. You get dressed and then spill coffee on your shirt right as you are heading out the door. Or you leave home without the diaper bag. Or anything else that sets you up on the wrong foot. Here are 5 steps to help you start your day right and be able to overcome obstacles.

Get a good night's sleep. It may seem like I do a lot, and I do. Between work, grad school, teaching dance, blogging, my non-profit and family life, I have a lot on my plate. But I always try to get between 7-7.5 hours of sleep each night. That means going to bed by 10:30 to be up at 6.

There's no way around it. Getting a good night's sleep provides you with energy for the day, helps keep your mind clear, and even helps prevent the munchies. When you are well rested, you don't need snacks to keep you up! This is key for a productive day. A good night's sleep is never a waste of time!

Make your to do list. If you read last Friday's post, you know that I am a big proponent of to do lists and I showed you just how I make mine. Whether you do it in the morning or the night before, having a to do list ensures that you know what you need to get done that day.

It helps keep you focused and feel less stressed. You can even split the process. Do the brain dump the night before and then choose your 3 to dos in the morning when you are clear headed.

Exercise in the morning. Does that sound like torture? It shouldn't. Find an exercise you love and do it. I like a mix of weights and cardio. It makes me feel strong and helps me work up a sweat.

Exercise should make you feel energized when you are done, not exhausted. This sets you up for burning extra calories throughout your day, helps clear your mind, helps you fall asleep better at night, reduces your hunger and is great for your figure. You really can't beat that.

Even at 32 weeks pregnant, I'm working out daily. I've modified my workouts of course, but I work out and feel empowered for my day.

Eat a healthy breakfast. I’m not telling you what time your first meal of the day is, but whenever it is, it should be healthy. Some healthy proteins and fats can set you on the right track. Maybe even some oatmeal, or a green smoothie, or how about egg and avocado on whole wheat toast! There are plenty of options that taste good and are good for you.

Spend some time each morning playing with your kids. I get up at 6 am have my workout, shower and get dressed. Then it's time for breakfast with Tyler. He gets up around 7 am so we have a good 1.5 hours before I have to leave at 8:30 am.

Now part of that time is making and eating breakfast and doing my hair possibly. However, I make it a point to have some time where we just play together. Then when I head off to work, knowing that we already had some quality time together no matter what the rest of the day has in store does wonders for me.

Things may change when #2 comes and later when Tyler starts school, but for the past 3 years we have played together every morning and it's a great way to start my day.

What to you do to get yourself on the right track in the morning? Share your tips in the comments!!



Healthy Pancake Recipes

Did you know?  Today is National Pancake Day!  I learned this from IHOP which of course is the authority on pancakes.  In honor of this day, I decided to share with you some healthy pancake recipes which you can share with your family today, or any other day.

We start off with a healthy alternative for the typical flour pancake.

Quinoa Pancakes

Quinoa Pancakes


  • 1 cup cooked quinoa

  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour

  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon course salt

  • 1 large egg, plus 1 large egg white

  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted, plus more for skillet

  • 1/4 cup low-fat milk

  • 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup, plus more for serving

  • Fresh fruit or fruit preserves (optional) for serving


  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together quinoa, flour, baking powder, and salt. In another medium bowl, whisk together egg, egg white, butter, milk, and syrup until smooth. Add egg mixture to flour mixture and whisk to combine.

  2. Lightly coat a large nonstick skillet or griddle with butter and heat over medium-high. Drop batter by heaping tablespoonfuls into skillet. Cook until bubbles appear on top, 2 minutes.

  3. Flip cakes and cook until golden brown on underside, 2 minutes. Wipe skillet clean and repeat with more melted butter and remaining batter (reduce heat to medium if overbrowning). Serve with maple syrup and fresh fruit or preserves if desired.

Makes about 12.

From PopSugar

Here's a delicious pancake that also allows you to get your fruits and veggies in!  I love sweet potatoes!!

Banana Sweet Potato Pancakes With Honey Nut Yogurt

Banana Sweet Potato Pancake With Honey Nut Yogurt



  • 1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour

  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar

  • 1/2 cup mashed baked sweet potato

  • 1 egg 1 1/4 cups skim milk or soy milk

  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1 banana, diced

Yogurt sauce:

  • 1 6-ounce container of plain nonfat Greek yogurt

  • 2 tablespoons skim milk

  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter (or almond butter)

  • 2 teaspoons honey


  1. In a medium bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, salt, and brown sugar. Then add the sweet potato, egg, and milk, and mix until smooth. Add the cinnamon. Stir in the diced banana.

  2. Place a skillet over medium heat, and spray lightly with cooking spray.

  3. While the pan is heating up, make the yogurt sauce. Mix together the yogurt, milk, peanut butter, and honey in a small bowl. Set aside.

  4. Drop large spoonfuls of batter onto the pan, making pancakes that are about three-and-a-half inches in diameter. Cook until bubbly, about two minutes. Flip and continue cooking until golden brown. Makes about 12 pancakes.

  5. Place three pancakes on a plate, and pour one quarter of the yogurt sauce on top. Add some slices of banana or other fresh fruit, sprinkle on some chopped nuts, and enjoy!

Makes about 12.

From PopSugar

This final recipe is for those who can't live without good old fashioned pancakes.  Here the recipe is modified for a healthier version of the classic.

Healthier Good Old Fashioned Pancakes

Healthier Good Old Fashioned Pancakes


  •  1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

  • 3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 tablespoon white sugar

  • 1 1/4 cups nonfat milk

  • 2 egg whites

  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted


  1. Sift flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar together in a large bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in milk, egg whites, and melted butter; mix until smooth.

  2. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium-high heat. Using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake, pour or scoop batter onto griddle. Brown on both sides and serve hot.

From All Recipes

I hope you enjoy these recipes and Happy National Pancake Day!!



Why I Take My Kid Everywhere

It started when T was 5 months old. I was getting pretty close to my pre pregnancy weight and started putting myself back out into the dance world. I got a call from a music artist at around 6pm asking if I could attend a rehearsal later that night. I explained that I had a 5 month old and would have to find someone to watch him. She said bring him. This is the impetus that caused me to take my kid everywhere.

Since having Tyler, he has come with me when I choreographed numerous musicals for high school, college, and community theater. He had come with me when I teach dance class.  He recently went to see Star Wars in the theaters.  He comes out to dinner, parties, weddings, and various other events.

This is great for me! I don't have to always find a baby sitter. I get to spend time with my son and expose him to what I do. He has been able to experience live music and theater at a year old.  On breaks, we get to eat and play together. And I of course get to show him off.  What can be better than that?!

This is also great for T. At an early age he has been observing how to act around adults. He doesn't shout or scream.  He isn't climbing on tables or running around restaurants.  He doesn't disturb fellow movie goers.  He has learned how to act with adults in social situations.

Now I won't tell you he is perfection. There are times when mommy is teaching that he wants mommy now. And there a few occasions when he hasn't napped and can then be super fussy. I can count on one hand the number of times we have had to take him outside to calm down.  But he has learned that if I say wait and then I will help you, I actually will.  So he has slightly more patience than he would otherwise have.

He has also learned to be more comfortable around strangers. Of course, if he walks into a room full of loud college kids at rehearsal, he starts out shy. But he quickly warms up. If we get to rehearsal early and the kids trickle in, he is a ham. He also plays with the people I teach. If I'm working with one group of dancers, he is OK playing with the rest without me having to be there playing with him.

I truly believe that exposing him to adult social situations early on has taught him how to act around adults. We don't have melt downs in restaurants, we don't have talking in movies, and we have a kid that friends actually want us to bring to parties and social gatherings.

An added bonus is that my 3 year old is now also very cultured. He sings show tunes, has been to various museum exhibits, he quotes movies, and makes various pop culture references. He understands humor and makes conversation with adults. We couldn't be happier or more proud.

Tell us how you expose your kids to proper behavior around adults.



How Sole Savers Saved My Feet

If you have read my latest blog post, then you know that my son had his 3rd birthday party on Sunday. While it was a ton of fun, it was a long day for mommy at 29 weeks pregnant. Read on to find out how sole savers saved my feet.

So upon getting up at 6am, I put on some leggings and my brand new black sole savers. I knew I was in for a long day, so flats were the way to go! Here they are in their adorable little canister and then on my feet.

Then it was on to start birthday prep. I started with making jello molds and then started frosting the cupcakes and topi g them with our brick candies and brick toppers. Then upstairs to make sure the birthday boy and the hubby was up. Then getting T dressed and getting him breakfast. Then back to the cupcakes. When that was finally done, it was time to hand streamers and the brick photo wall. Then the hubs put up the folding table so I could put all the tableware and plates and everything on display.

Next it was back to Tyler. We went potty and had some playtime. Then time for lunch! Then on to making food for the party including mini pb&j sandwiches, bagel bites, and pigs in a blanket. We put out the chips and finally it was 2pm, time for the party to start.

By this time I had already been running around for 8 hours. My feet did not hurt a bit. I was sure by this time I was going to have that pain in the back of the heel. You know when shoes have that elastic in the back that digs into your heel so that eventually you have to pull the heel part off and wear them like slippers? Well that never happened! After 8 hours they were as comfy as ever.

Then it was on to mingling and playing with our guests. Then running around with Tyler, presents, cake.... You know the deal. It was 6:30 before the last few guests were heading for the door. Now it was party clean up time, still in my sole savers.

Once that was done, there was still one more task to go. My living room is pretty tight, so in order to make room for guests, my husband had moved some larger toys and and items up to the bedrooms. However, in order to get to bed, these had to be moved back down. Now my hubs was off driving his family home, so there I was bringing all them items back downstairs. Finally, I ended the day playing with T and some of his new toys. By 8:30 I was as ready for bed as Tyler was.

However, my feet never hurt all day. At 29 weeks pregnant, that's a feat any day but especially on a day running around as much as I was. Their simple and cute design was easy to match and they come in a variety of colors. I have the black and gold, but I am anxiously awaiting the new collection coming out next month!

Another awesome feature is that they come with a little pouch and roll up easily. They are meant for when you go out on the town but then your feet are dying and you have to change out of your heels.  Here's a picture of everything they come with.

They will really save your feet! That's why I support this brand! Think about all those weddings and parties where these will come in handy.  Another bonus, a portion of each sale goes to charity and the charities change each month. So you save your feet and support a good cause. Win-win!!

You can check them out here: Sole Savers I am a brand ambassador so I do make a small commission if you make a purchase.

I hope you check them out!

