Batching is a tactic that many entrepreneurs and businesses use to get more things done in less time. Here is an explanation on what batching is and how busy moms can use this tactic to save time and energy.
Father's Day Gift Guide for the Stay at Home Dad
Quick and Fun Playground Stroller Workout
The weather is warming up here in the Northeast and it's the perfect weather to get outside. Warm, but not too hot, park weather. Being at the park is the perfect time to get your workout in. This may not be for the super self-conscious, but its a great way to workout, spend some time outside, and let the kids run around. If you feel too awkward, maybe go to a less populated park or at a less active time. Either way, here's how to get your fitness and vitamin D all at the same time!
The New York Baby Show Recap
Uncle Sam Memorial Day Craft Project
In honor of Memorial Day coming up, Tyler and I created an Uncle Sam craft to celebrate. This was lots of fun and involved more steps than some of our past crafts. At 4, Tyler definitely appreciated this. Plus, since this project involved painting, it gave us something to do while the paint dried. Check it out!
Playroom Organization Ideas You Need to Know
Does Your Schedule Run Your Life?
Do you ever feel like your schedule is running your life? The other weekend was kind of like that. On Saturday we had an inspection at my house at 9 am, T had dance class at 10, I had to go to the store to pick up something for my brother's pot luck engagement party later that day, a house showing at 2pm, and then the engagement party at 4pm. After the engagement party my husband also had a cast party for a show he was in while I stayed home with the kids. The next day my son had picture day at the dance school at 11:30, and then I had to pick up my in laws, and then my daughter's cake, and be back home for Hailey's birthday party at 2pm.
A Minnie Mouse First Birthday Party
Today is Hailey's first birthday!! I can't believe that my baby girl is already a year old. It is so true that the days are long but the years are short. We are currently weaning baby girl from breastfeeding and while I am super relieved, I am also so sad that our special time is ending. But on to happier things!!
Everything You Need to Manage Your Papers
In this day and age, there is no reason that we should ever have to sacrifice form for function. With so many products available to us, finding a product that fits our needs and fits our decor is totally possible. In regards to paper organization, gone are the days of the metal filing cabinet and ugly manila file folders.
Small Habits to Keep Your Motivation
We all have those days. You know, the ones where you are running on coffee and fumes. Every sound your child makes sounds like nails on a chalk board. All you want to do is go back to sleep, but the list of things to do: contact the cable company, prepare a report, contact the doctor's office, get a gift for so and so, .... its never ending.
A Messy Mom's Mother's Day Gift Ideas
Are you a hot mess mama? Do you know someone who is? With Mother's Day coming up, I put together a list of gifts perfect for hot mess mamas. They help with two major contributors for mamas feeling overwhelmed: disorganization and lack of inspiration. Check out following list if you or someone you know could use a little of both.
Why You Need the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
Exercising with Baby, No Carrier Necessary
I love exercising. It makes me feel strong and fit. It gives me energy for my day and clears my mind. I usually like to exercise in the morning before the kids get up, but that doesn't always work out. When the baby wakes up early though, that doesn't stop me. I put together this little routine for exercising with baby that both Hailey and I love. We use it whenever she wakes up during my usual exercise time or when we just want to play together!
How to Use a Mind Map for Your To Dos
Are you a visual thinker? Do you like using pictures to help you organize your thoughts? I love making to do lists, but list creation doesn't always work for some people. Often times visual people have a harder time creating successful to do lists. A great tool to use when creating a to do list around a particular project is mind maps.
5 Top Tips for Decluttering With Kids
Decluttering is hard. Decluttering with kids is even harder. When we start to sort through our kids belongings, we get nostalgic, they discover how much they really love that thing they never played with for the last year, and letting go becomes hard. The following 5 tips will help you to declutter your kids' rooms with less stress and more fun!
Easter Bunny Paper Plate Craft
Last week Tyler and I created a cute little Easter bunny project with some basic craft supplies. While there was some controversy over whether a bow tie is an article of clothing or a food item (bow tie pasta), we really enjoyed the project overall. This was another quick and fun project that we were able to do in the time between Hailey going to bed and Tyler's bedtime.
Things to Do Before 32: The Final Update
So today is my birthday!!! On April 11 of 2016 I turned 31 and around that time I created a post about the things I’d like to do before my next birthday. This list consisted of a wide range of goals including trips with the family, school goals, and friends goals. You can find that post here. Back in July, I posted my first update at a quarter of the way through the year and in October I posted my progress at the halfway point. January marked the 3 quarters point. Now here we are a full year later.
The Perfect Easter Basket for Your Baby
With Easter just a few weeks away, putting together an Easter basket for the kids is at the forefront of our minds. For older kids, you can just walk down the aisle of your local pharmacy or discount store, swipe your arm along the shelf, and you have everything you need for your Easter basket. Babies can be a bit harder since they can't eat the candies and many of the toys may not be appropriate for putting in their mouth. The following are my picks for Easter baskets for babies. Best of all, everything is available on Amazon, so no leaving the house!!
Prepping for the New York Baby Show
The New York Baby Show is coming up in May and I am super excited! It is the biggest show for new and expectant parents in the country. Last year I was able to snag free tickets, however, Hailey was born just over a week before the show and we just couldn't get it together to go. This year, nothing is standing in our way!! Check what we are getting excited about and then learn how you can win some free tickets for yourself!!
Birthday Wishlist for Busy Moms
Guys, my birthday is just 2 weeks away! I'm excited! Is that weird? Am I too old to be excited about birthdays? Eh, oh well. My husband tells me that I am the worst person to shop for. He thinks my picks are far too practical and often ends up opting for things that don't really get much use. The thing is I hate clutter and I value presents that make my life easier/better. So I put together my busy mom birthday wishlist for everyone to see. Hopefully, he'll read this post too (wink, wink)!!